뇌-컴퓨터의 연결, 뉴럴링크! 어디까지 왔을까? [안될과학-긴급과학]

Описание к видео 뇌-컴퓨터의 연결, 뉴럴링크! 어디까지 왔을까? [안될과학-긴급과학]

일론 머스크가 뇌와 컴퓨터를 연결하기 위해 시작한 프로젝트 '뉴럴링크'
'뉴럴링크' 프로젝트는 미래에 인공지능으로부터 인류를 지켜줄 수 있을까요?
약 연구원이 '뉴럴링크'에 대해 정리해보았습니다.

#뉴럴링크 #일론머스크 #BCI #인공지능

◆ Thanks to
Written and Directed by Medicine
Editor: 유건우
Elon Musk & Neuralink. "An integrated brain-machine interface platform with thousands of channels" doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/703801
Hochberg L.R. et al., "Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia" Nature 442, 164–171(2006)
Hochberg L.R. et al., "Reach and grasp by people with tetraplegia using a neurally controlled robotic arm" Naure 485, 372-375
Choi J. et al., "Implantable Neural Probes for Brain-Machine Interfaces – Current Developments and Future Prospects" Epx Neurobiol 27, 453-471 (2018)
Eichenlaub J.B. et al., "Replay of Learned Neural Firing Sequences during Rest in Human Motor Cortex" Cell Reports 31, 107581 (2020)
Salazar-Gomez A.F. et al., "Correcting robot mistakes in real time using EEG signals" 2017 IEEE ICRA (2017)

◆ Video
Neuralink Launch Event(   • Neuralink Launch Event  )
Neuralink Progress Update, Summer 2020(   • Neuralink Progress Update, Summer 2020  )
Brain controlled Robots(https://atlas.cern/discover/physics)
-   • Brain-controlled Robots  

◆ Music
Storm Time by Muciojad   / muciojad  
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library    • Storm Time – Muciojad (No Copyright M...  

◆ 안될과학 인스타그램
  / unreal.science  

◆ 안될과학-모어사이언스 스마트스토어 (과학굿즈)

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