【養和快問快答】長者缺水 Dehydration in the Elderly – 黎嘉慧醫生(養和醫院老人科專科醫生)

Описание к видео 【養和快問快答】長者缺水 Dehydration in the Elderly – 黎嘉慧醫生(養和醫院老人科專科醫生)

每人每天的喝水量因人而異,不過長者若出現 #缺水 的情況,對其身體各器官、系統和整體健康都有所影響。養和老人科專科醫生 #黎嘉慧醫生 分析 #長者缺水 的原因和徵狀,並講解缺水對長者的影響。

Daily water intake varies from person to person. However, dehydration does have an impact on seniors’ physical well-being, organs and other body systems. Dr. LAI Ka Wai, Specialist in Geriatric Medicine, will explain the causes and symptoms of dehydration in the elderly, as well as the impacts on them.

00:00 長者缺水Dehydration in the Elderly
00:10 為甚麽長者較易缺水?Why are the elderly more prone to dehydration?
00:57 缺水對長者身體有甚麼影響?How does dehydration affect the elderly?
01:44 缺水有甚麽徵狀?如何判斷長者身體是否缺水?What are the symptoms of dehydration? How to tell if a senior is dehydrated?
02:24 長者一天應喝多少水?若他們抗拒飲水,可以怎麼辦?How much water should a senior drink each day? What can we do if he/she refuses to drink water?
04:15 飲水有助改善認知障礙?Can drinking water help improve dementia?

For more details, please visit below website and contact us:

養和長者醫健中心HKSH Geriatric Medicine Centre (Healthy Ageing)


跑馬地Happy Valley: 2835 8600
中環 Central: 2523 7807
丹拿山Tanner Hill: 2219 9012
港島東Island East: 2917 1177


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