Surviving the Holidays as an INFJ: Practical Tips & Insights

Описание к видео Surviving the Holidays as an INFJ: Practical Tips & Insights

The holiday season can be a beautiful time, but for INFJs, it often comes with emotional overwhelm, unmet expectations, and a lingering sense of feeling out of place.

In this video, we’ll dive into why the holidays feel so intense for INFJs, how to protect your emotional energy, and where to find those quiet moments of joy and connection.

If the holidays leave you feeling more drained than delighted, this video is for you.

Let’s navigate this season together.

If you have a topic you would like me to talk about I invite you to email me directly at:
[email protected]

Navigating The Depth of Introverted Intuition Course

HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)Toolbox Course:

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Guided Visualization Meditation For Healing:
   • 12-Minute Guided Meditation for Healing  

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