Gorilla Glass Suspension Retreat, 2019.

Описание к видео Gorilla Glass Suspension Retreat, 2019.

The Suspension Retreat was hosted by Jason Pfohl with the support of the Gorilla Glass team at the GG Headquarters in Oaxaca, México.

The entire event took place with a tone of intimacy, peace and love that made this challenging experience something beautiful to remember.

Special thanks to Alan Belardinelli, Håvve Fjell, and the entire suspension crew for sharing their knowledge on this form of self-expression and spiritual exploration.

Video / Photography: Dalí Nelio / www.dalinelio.com

Suspension Crew: Alan Belardinelli / Håvve Fjell / Efix Roy / Timothy Prime / Misty Forsberg / Emrys Yetz / Matt Kirk / Starr Ellis

GG Crew: Atziri Servin / Juan Martínez / Alejandro Rosas / Martín Morales / Andrea Aguayo / Marielle Van Deursen / Gabriela Chiñas


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