Comparing Violins Over $5K (from Robertson and Sons)

Описание к видео Comparing Violins Over $5K (from Robertson and Sons)

This video will help you develop your ears to hear the differences between violins. It will also instruct you on WHAT to listen for, and various ways of comparing violins. Very little talking. I hope you learn by watching.

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The low-down on each violin:
Violin W: $6000; Violin X: $8500 Violin Y: $7500 Violin Z: $10K
My impressions (be sure to form your own opinion first)
Violin W, X, Y had brand new strings, and are not broken in, so they have all of their new edgieness, which will grow rounder and smoother after hours of being played.
Violin Z: My violin. The strings are 75% spent, so lots of my edge is gone. Violin is broken in fully.
Violin W: muted and weak. Nice tone, but no gusto, no power. I kept running out of bow because I was trying too hard. Quiet and muffled. Balanced from string to string. Smooth.
Violin X: Powerful, complex overtones, full spectrum of sound. G string is big and bassy. D string is articulate. A string projects well, but is sweet. Violin is LOUD, but can play soft nicely. E string is big and full. Very edgey, but that will wear off with time.
Violin Y: Similar to X, but less edgey, and a bit sweeter. Smoother tone is achieved, but has plenty of power. The D string was incredible to play on.....easy, articulate, and full.
Violin Z: Of course I love my violin. A string is sometimes strident or harsh. G string is more trebley than I like. I want BASS and PUNCH! But in this video it did ok considering the strings were worn. Smooth transition from string to string. Good balance of powerful articulate G, articulate D, sweet projecting A, and full big E.

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