Pooping in a bag in Kenya for a cleaner neighborhood - vpro Metropolis

Описание к видео Pooping in a bag in Kenya for a cleaner neighborhood - vpro Metropolis

The Peepoo collector is a way to neatly catch poo and pee. The inhabitants of slum Kibera in Nairobi just dropped their faeces in the street before. But now that Ruth Auma from Peepoople comes to collect their droppings in a plastic bag, the neighbourhood is becoming cleaner bag by bag. Although some men still find it a nasty idea to poop inside the house. ‘I'd rather pay for a public toilet. A toilet is supposed to be far away from home.’

vpro Metropolis was a video project by Dutch broadcast organisation vpro, that ran from 2008 to 2015. Metropolis is made by a global collective of young filmmakers and TV producers, reporting on remarkable stories from their own country/city. We made a trip around the globe on one single issue: from local beauty ideals to Elvis impersonators, to what's it like being gay, or an outcast or a dog in different cultures.

More videos and full episodes: www.metropolisweb.tv

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