Canon Ball and Bullet holes found inside a Civil War Plantation home

Описание к видео Canon Ball and Bullet holes found inside a Civil War Plantation home

Averasboro Battlefield Complex
Oak Grove Smithville Plantation House
This was the site of a Civil War battle that began on
March 15, 1865. It ended with the Confederacy
withdrawing its troops after achieving its mission
to del ay Union General Sherman’s progress
through the South. The field is marked wit h
interpretive signage, and is also home to two
plantation homes which were built in 1793 and
1825. Janie Smith, of the family which owned
Smithville Plantation, wrote a letter describing
how the Confederate troops arrived, and how the
Smith’s property was used to house injured Union
troops after the battle began.

Privately owned, Oak Grove Plantation is a beautiful 3 story home was taken over as a Union Hospital. A make shift operating room was set up in the main parlor, where many young men lost a limb or two and even their lives. The house was under severe attack which is evidenced by the bullet and canon ball holes still visible after 150 years. The new owners invite you to take a tour, sit down, share a meal, and stroll back through time. If you like Civil War history you will fall in love with Oak Grove.


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