Why Traveller Leads the pack of Sci-Fi RPGs?

Описание к видео Why Traveller Leads the pack of Sci-Fi RPGs?

Why should you play Traveller, or play in a Traveller universe, when there are so many bigger, high-impact Sci-Fi worlds out there? I think, I may have the answer....

(Liner note: If you want to do a pulpy, high-velocity story with lots of cinema, then FFG Star Wars and the Star Wars setting are great. If you don't want to visit stories of survival, or your group really does want to get caught up in one of those big existential conflicts, then by all means go the way of space fantasy (starfinder) or the Anime worlds of Sci-Fi. If you are comfortable with a tone that will draw from the sci-fi touchstones of everyone at the table (which will probably drift into the zany--like Farscape or Lexx--then by all means use FATE. But if you want proper SCI FI, and your player group is made up of folks that like to play ADVENTURERS that go on QUESTS/ADVENTURES together, then TRAVELLER and its implied setting, and the Third Imperium, are a great model to follow. They fit the way we play RPGs like a Glove)


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