好险!看似服从的样子都是假象,稍有不慎就回头攻击!\So close! Is him obedience? He may attack when you are not vigilant.

Описание к видео 好险!看似服从的样子都是假象,稍有不慎就回头攻击!\So close! Is him obedience? He may attack when you are not vigilant.

钱多多的表现有所好转,很多时候都是很服从的样子,但是今天跟它玩的时候,它突然扭头开始攻击,原来顺从都是假象\Qian Duoduo’s behaviour has been improving and most of time he was very obedient. He suddenly turned his head and started attacking when I was playing with him today. This implied obedience could be an illusion.


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