Leah Prentice, Suicide: Why Does It Happen?, STSpeakOut

Описание к видео Leah Prentice, Suicide: Why Does It Happen?, STSpeakOut

Leah Prentice of Balaam Wood School became the runner up at this "Speak Out" Challenge! Digital Final with a speech titled 'Suicide: Why Does It Happen?' This event took place via Zoom webinar on Wednesday 7th July 2021.

The West Midlands "Speak Out" Challenge! has been running for 4 years, working to give young people the confidence to express themselves. The programme is designed and delivered by Speakers Trust, a charity which uses public speaking training to unlock the potential of young people, and is generously supported by Aimhigher West Midlands.

Visit speakerstrust.org to find out more.


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