Tailspin (NES) No Death Long Play with Perfects on All Stages and Every Bonus Area

Описание к видео Tailspin (NES) No Death Long Play with Perfects on All Stages and Every Bonus Area

In this video I complete the entire game without loosing a life. During the journey I was able to collect all the cargo so that I received a perfect bonus at the end of every stage. In addition, this video shows the locations for all 14 hidden bonus areas throughout the game. By the end of the game, I had a score of 165,600 and had 36 extra lives in reserve.
The strategies employed can be viewed so I’ll refrain from mentioning those in the description. Instead, I will list the chapters and the locations for all 14 of the bonus stages. There are two per stage except for the final stage where there are none.
Bonus Stages
1 – Near the end of the first horizontal scrolling portion of the first stage you will see a grouping of four cargo crates as you encounter Don Karnage. Collect the crates and then fire into the previously occupied space to reveal the bonus stage.
2- On the second horizontal scrolling section of the first stage you will fly over a large, wrecked ship. Look to the bottom and fire into the first hole you come across near the water line underneath an upper platform.
3 – In the second stage look to the background of the first horizontal scrolling area for scoreboards. Fire at the upper blank area just east of the first huge scoreboard.
4 – On the second stage you will see a platform in the middle of the screen as the game transitions from the second horizontal scrolling portion into the second vertical scrolling segment. Fire on the eastern side of the platform for the bonus area.
5- In stage three there is a cloud in the middle of the screen as the stage transitions from the first horizontal scrolling section into the first vertical scrolling section. Fire at the space just to the east of the cloud to open the bonus area.
6 – In stage three during the second horizontal scrolling section you will fly by mountain tops and eventually start seeing smaller cloud obstacles in the middle of the screen. Fire between the nearby mountain top and below the westernmost cloud to open the hidden area. You don’t need to weave between the clouds to get this one just hold down and right on the d-pad to squeeze yourself into the boundaries of its hit box.
7- In stage four you will start seeing ghost enemies during the first vertical scrolling section. You will come across an alcove with red bookshelves right before the second ghost scrolls onto the screen fire at those bookshelves in the alcove to open the bonus area.
8- During the second horizontal scrolling section of the fourth stage you will pass by three fireplaces that spit fireballs. After clearing the third fireplace look to the ceiling as it raises in elevation. Fire in the spot where it raises to find the bonus stage.
9- This is located near the bottom of the screen between two skyscrapers in the first horizontal scrolling section of the fifth stage. Use the golden building in the background as landmarks. The hidden bonus area is right next to the second golden building.
10 – At the top of the fifth stage’s second vertical scrolling area you will see a beam with two pieces of cargo on it. Fire into the blank spot to the west of these cargo pickups to find the hidden stage.
11 - At the very beginning of the sixth stage turn your plane around and fire at the northwestern corner of the screen along the cave’s ceiling to find the hidden door.
12 – Near the beginning of the sixth stage you will start to see groups of cargo placed along the bottom of the screen in alcoves. The second alcove you come to will have a pair of cargo pickups floating above an empty void. Pick up the cargo and then fly into the void and fire to get the second bonus area of this stage.
13 – At the bottom of the second vertical scrolling section of the seventh stage fire into the southwestern corner of the screen to open the hidden bonus area before scrolling the screen to the right.
14 – Near the beginning of the second horizontal scrolling section in stage seven the upper wall will transition from stone blocks back to a jungle canopy. The canopy at the top of the screen will dip down as you draw close to a pair of cargo pickups at the bottom of the screen and then it will rise back up. Fire at the vacant area when the canopy raises back up to find the final bonus stage.
For those who want to jump to various sections of the video I have created chapter markers with rough descriptions gathered from baloos dialog with Becky.
Stage 1 – The Sea (00:00)
Stage 2 – Baseball Stadium (04:58)
Stage 3 – Clouds (09:26)
Stage 4 – Magic House (13:44)
Stage 5 – Town (17:55)
Stage 6 – Cave (22:11)
Stage 7 – Jungle (26:09)
Stage 8 – Mountain District (30:30)


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