DEWA Chain Scraper System

Описание к видео DEWA Chain Scraper System

DEWA Chain Scraper System has been successfully operated in a variety of municipal and industrial applications. Today, there are over 1000 DEWA sludge and scum removal systems in operation
throughout the world in various applications including water, wastewater, API, and desalination.

Rectangular clarifier provides a friendly layout option with minimum dead space between the units, as these units can install parallel or multi-desk clarifiers. The removal efficiency of DEWA CSS (chain scraper system) is higher than that of any other scraper design. CSS mechanism comprises non-corrosive components including collector chain, flights, head, and idler shaft sprockets and drives unit with necessary steel parts as rails.

DEWA systems are designed to operate in clarifiers up to 100m long and 12m wide as well as 2-/3-shafts system (bottom or scum) or 4 shafts system (bottom and scum). When there are parallel
tanks, also cross collector system can be used to collect removed sludge. For scum removal, DEWA has a special effective scum removal canoe system which can be equipped with a drive unit or with the manual wheel. DEWA system includes also a unique tensioning system, that allows chain tensioning without emptying tank. That feature saves a huge amount of maintenance resources.


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