Make Ready with Massad Ayoob: Lethal Force FAQ

Описание к видео Make Ready with Massad Ayoob: Lethal Force FAQ

Massad Ayoob has been writing for gun magazines since 1971. He has been an expert witness for the courts in weapons and homicide cases for over 30 years, and a sworn part-time police officer for 36 years. The use of deadly force has many consequences and the more you understand the law and what you should or should not do, the better off you will be. In this video Mas reviews the most often asked questions he has received over the years pertaining to the use of deadly force. Mas talks about what situations justify deadly force, disparity of force, castle doctrine, stand your ground law, presumption of justifiability, civil liability, the myths associated with defending yourself, and more. If you carry a firearm for self-defense or keep one in your home, this video is a must see.

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