BDO Gyfins Marni, Awakening Nova 316AP, 34997 yellow no agris

Описание к видео BDO Gyfins Marni, Awakening Nova 316AP, 34997 yellow no agris

No agris used, no coin used. No despair start, few seconds (15s) wasted on changing crystals 7min in.

If there's few things I'd improve in this hour is definitely waiting 5min in marni before starting the grind to abuse despair (or just doing a 65min grind). Ok, maybe not, that's just cheesing.
Using simple cron meal instead of exquisite. Optimising combos a bit more. It should be possible to skip SHIFTQ with my gear on purple and blue with BSR active. Experimenting a bit with faster combo would also help, what I have in mind is SF F SLMB SHIFTRMB SHIFTLMB WQ Q/SHIFTQ F WF, whether that would work, I have no idea at this point.
I could probably improve the way I deal with despair mobs, that's one thing that I haven't figured out just yet. Could probably improve pathing after butcher kills, at this point I'm too scared of getting oneshot from the purple mob though, so unless it's close to the butcher I'm wasting time with inefficient pathing.

I don't think it's neccessary since everyone who plays BDO should know this spot (it's #1 in popularity) but here we go.
You have 3 types of mobs, red-blue-purple. After killing one you're supposed to kill another one in that order. If you attack a different one they'll get buffed and you can die. There's a chance of spawning a butcher, after killing it you have a 60s buff that allows you to oneshot all the mobs. At one point there was a strategy of pulling a blue mob to other mobs to abuse the 60s duration of the buff, nowadays it doesn't seem to matter that much since kill time is around 3s anyway.
After killing a mob, all mobs respawn, for the first 2-3s you can't even aggro them, after that they have an iframe that you can aggro them through, after that they have ~5s of DR selfbuff. Then they turn and attack.
Additionaly after the first 10min the despair mob will spawn. You kill a despair mob, then for the next 7min you will have waves with despair mobs (they're the main source of tl and exp here), then it's 3min cd and another 7min of despair, it keeps looping like that. Despair mobs respawn after you kill most of the wave, due to this the smaller the room the more tl/h is possible to get. Especially on classes with big aoe skills.
This mechanic is the main reason why I believe garmoth's data is useless for this spot. There's no exact correlation between tl/h and rare drops here.

This is what I use.
most mobs die, if they still live through it you can use
Brutal F WF Q
or Brutal F Q WF
or Brutal SQ F WF Q
or F Q WF
or SQ F WF
many options available.
If accel runs out you just charge it with RMB-ARMB-SRMB before approaching a mob, then WRMB SHIFTQ SQ SLMB etc.


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