How to send multiple emails at once in gmail

Описание к видео How to send multiple emails at once in gmail

Sending multiple emails at once in Gmail can be done easily using a few simple methods. One way is to use the *Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy)* field, which allows you to send an email to many recipients without them seeing each other's email addresses. To do this, start by composing a new email. In the recipient field, enter your own email address, then click on *Bcc* next to the “To” field. Add the email addresses of the people you want to reach in the Bcc field. Once you’ve added all the addresses, write your message and click **Send**. All recipients will receive the email, but they won’t know who else was included.

Another option is to create an *email group* in Google Contacts. This is particularly useful if you frequently send emails to the same set of people. Go to Google Contacts, create a new label, and add the contacts you want to group. Then, when composing an email, type the label name in the “To” field, and all members of that group will be included.

Using these methods, you can send one email to multiple recipients without sharing their addresses with others, making it efficient and private.


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