Lotro PvMP U36 Hunter - Legoir

Описание к видео Lotro PvMP U36 Hunter - Legoir

I want to thank all the people whose fights were included in this video. Each of you is a high-level player, and I express my respect to you.
The video shows only successful fights, but this does not mean that I have not had defeats. I just didn't include them in the video because of the already long timekeeping. I didn't really want to make an hour-long movie or several parts for an update that has already lost its relevance.
I would also like to express my gratitude to the players of Oiz and Quuza for a large number of fights that allowed me to quickly gain game shape and make an optimal build. I also express my gratitude to Tyoma, he gave me some valuable tips regarding the new LIs that I used when creating my build.

I decided to return to the game after 2 years due to the long wait for the full version of EoA. I was also told that Hunter has become a helpless class that no longer poses any threat to serious players, and this caused me some curiosity.
Unfortunately, it would be possible to count on one hand the worthy representatives of my class over the past 10 years, and I felt it my duty to be here at the most difficult time for hunters.

Aran, thank you for your tag set. I hope you don't mind that I used it :D

LOTRO, Lord Of The Rings, LOTR, Rings of power, amazon, standing stones, BFME, mmo, mmorpg, rpg, Lordoftheringsonline, arkenstone, brandywine, crickhollow, evernight, gladden, landroval, laurelin, belegaer, gwaihir, sirannon, bullroarer, shadowfax, treebeard, beta, Pvp, Pvmp, Guardian, Hunter, Warden, Brawler, Captain, Cappy, RK, Rune Keeper, Mini, Ministrel, LM, Lore Master, Champion, Burg, Burglar, Champ, brawler, Bear, Beorn, Beorning, Spider, Wolf, warg, reaver, ba, black arrow, defiler, war, moors, ettenmoors, Legendary item, 2h, 1h, sword, dagger, halberd, arrow, bow, crossbow, shield, armour, class, EU, DE, FR, EN, RE, US, RP, Dwarrowdelf, eldar, elendilmir, firefoot, gilrain, imladris, meneldor, nimrodel, riddermark, silverlode, snowbourn, vilya, windfola, withywindle, anduin, maiar, morthond, Vanyar, estel, steed, craft, crafting, kin, kinship, roleplaying, housing, raid, instance, aom2, aom, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, world first, epic battle, skirmish, adventure, forum, event, cosmetic, j.r.r. tolkien, tolkien, aragorn, legolas, gimli, gandalf, sauron, gollum, bilbo, baggins, arwen, frodo, galadriel, balrog, nazgul, saruman, elrond, samwise, gamgee, eowyn, boromir, faramir, meriadoc, brandybuck, theoden, tom, bombadil, eomer, denethor, glorfindel, radagast, treebeard, peregrin, took, witch, king, shelob, isildur, celeborn, elendil, grima, dain, ironfoot, eldarion, anarion, gamling, varda, beregond, bergil, bolger, forlong, elledan, elrohir, harry, potter, theodwyn, folcwine, bergil, smaug, thorin, oakenshield, kili, fili, thranduil, tauriel, balin, gloin, dwalin, bombur, bard, azog, bolg, thror, thrain, nori, dori, oin, yazneg, bofur, lindir, fimbul, ori, bifur, mithrandir, feanor, melkor, luthien, fingolfin, nolofin, nolofinw, nolofinwe, eru, hurin, turin, turambar, balrog, azog, bolg, beren, manwe, maedhros, earendil, finrod, thingol, celebrimbor, varda, maglor, finwe, gil-galad, melian, aule, turgon, ulmo, yavanna, finarfin, glaurung, isildur, celegorm, curufin, tuor, maeglin, idril, cirdani, ecthelion, mordor, gondor, minas, trith, osqiliath, morgul, u19, u20, u21, u21.2, u21.3, u23, u24, u25, u26, u27, u28, u29, u30, u31, u32, u33, u34, u35, u36, u37, u38, carn dum, angmar, rhun, harad, rohan, gundabad, daily, weekly, helms deep, bree, shire, spar, 1v1, 2v2, 2v1, 3v3, 3vs1, 6v6, 5v5, best, rank, rankfarm, clubber, one shoot, star, anfalas, trait, build, guide, red, yellow, blue, fire, dark, orc, troll, goblin, virtue, stat, tome, valar, isengard, legacy, turbine, standing stone games, amazon, evendim, pk, pc, movie, vs, quest, lp, tp, pet, dps, tank, agro, gambit, spear, jawelin, rune, main, threat, combat, man, hobbit, wizard, elf, high elf, dwarf, kill, death, ghost, soul, 105, 115, 120, 130, 140, 150, lvl, level, cap, vitality, might, agility, will, fate, mastery, tactical, damage, critical, physical, mitigation, update, defence, block, evade, parry, finesse, resistance, heal, healing, light, medium, heavy, points, freep, creep, buff, debuff, reputation, rating, renown, glory, infamy, monster, deed, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 , 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, iron hills, grey mountains, knight, CoS, Seregost, Thrang, sagroth, Gwathrenost, gwath, citadel, APO, HH, Hiddenhoard, doom, Summer, Winter, Abyss, server, solo, duo, trio, dragon, army, box, token, barter, ah, tier, Best Captain, Staut-Axe, Remmorchant, Sword, race, gender, change, Morgul, New, Solo, Duo, Group, Raid, farm, shard, essence, gear, set, axe, sword, grishnak, nolomir, nolo, Arannur, Aran, Aranx, glorfin, bilybo,


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