Digimon TCG! COMPETITIVE! DarkKnightmon X Antibody Deck Profile & Combo Guide! (BT10 & EX03 Format)

Описание к видео Digimon TCG! COMPETITIVE! DarkKnightmon X Antibody Deck Profile & Combo Guide! (BT10 & EX03 Format)

DarkKnightmon has gotten quite some support with the brand-new Digi Xros cards, Nene as the main tamer, and the X Antibody version as the top end boss Digimon. It took me quite some time to figure out the best way to play the deck, and here is my complete guide for you guys who are interested as well.

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DarkKnightmon Deck makes a comeback as the DarkKnightmon Deck BT10. DarkKnightmon X Antibody is one of the newest addtions from BT10 Xros Encounter which provides support to the DarkKnightmon Deck Profile and DarkKnightmon Deck List. The DarkKnightmon X Antibody Deck wasn't easy to pick up at first, but here is my own Digimon DarkKnightmon Deck which is also the DarkKnightmon X Deck. The DarkKnightmon X Deck Profile also utilizes the new tamer Nene which support searching and provides it more tools. DarkKnightmon BT10 Deck Profile has a very interesting way to play and can compete against other meta decks. However, the Digimon DarkKnightmon X Deck does seem to lack combos with the top end cards such as the Digimon TCG DarkKnightmon X.

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