Group 7 GRE Verbal Vocabulary Test Exam Vocab High Frequency

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20 GRE Verbal Vocabulary Test Exam Vocab High Frequency - Group 7

Shining brightly or radiating light.
Example: As the sun set, the ocean sparkled with an effulgent glow, casting golden reflections across the waves.

Cheerful and full of energy, bubbling with enthusiasm.
Example: After receiving the good news about her promotion, she was ebullient, practically bouncing with excitement.

Someone who flatters others to gain favor or advantage.
Example: The assistant was such a sycophant, always complimenting the boss in the hope of getting special treatment.

A person who dislikes or distrusts other people.
Example: After years of living in a big city, he became a bit of a misanthrope, preferring to avoid crowds and keep to himself.

Generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful.
Example: After winning the debate, she was magnanimous, complimenting her opponent on their effort and encouraging them to keep going.

A poem or song that laments or mourns the dead.
Example: The poet wrote a beautiful elegy in memory of his late friend, capturing the depth of his grief.

Someone who is indifferent to or has no understanding of culture and the arts.
Example: Despite being surrounded by incredible art at the museum, he remained a philistine, more interested in checking his phone than admiring the paintings.

To make something less severe, serious, or painful.
Example: The doctor suggested taking breaks throughout the day to mitigate the strain on her back from sitting at the desk for long hours.

The pursuit of pleasure or self-indulgence as the highest good in life.
Example: On vacation, they fully embraced hedonism, spending their days relaxing by the pool and enjoying lavish meals without any worries.

Being honest and straightforward, even when the truth might be uncomfortable.
Example: When asked for feedback on the presentation, she was candid, pointing out both the strengths and areas for improvement.

Something that is difficult and requires a lot of effort.
Example: The hike up the mountain was arduous, but the breathtaking view from the top made all the effort worthwhile.

Showing concern or care for someone’s well-being.
Example: Her grandmother was always solicitous, asking if she was eating well and getting enough rest.

Something that cannot be changed.
Example: The laws of nature are immutable; no matter what happens, gravity will always pull objects toward the earth.

To revoke, cancel, or take back a decision or offer.
Example: After reconsidering the situation, the company decided to rescind its initial job offer, citing budget constraints.

Standing out in a way that is easily seen or noticed.
Example: The bright red car was conspicuous in the otherwise dull parking lot filled with grey and black vehicles.

Showing no emotion or reaction, even in significant situations.
Example: Even when she heard the shocking news, she remained impassive, not letting her emotions show.

Something that belongs to a different time period than the one in which it exists, often out of place in the current era.
Example: The old-fashioned typewriter sitting on his modern desk was a clear anachronism in today’s digital world.

To clear someone from blame or fault.
Example: The new evidence exculpated the suspect, proving that they were nowhere near the scene of the crime when it occurred.

Humble submission and respect toward someone, often because of their experience or authority.
Example: Out of deference to her mentor’s experience, she decided to follow their advice when starting her new business.

An excessive amount of something.
Example: After the big holiday feast, there was a surfeit of leftovers, with enough food to last for days.


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