Double Feature Drive-In: Tobor the Great & Beginning of the End

Описание к видео Double Feature Drive-In: Tobor the Great & Beginning of the End

The Double Feature Drive-In brings the experience of the drive-in straight to you. With retro trailers, and intermission ads together with 2 feature classics and cartoon short. #classicfilm #driveinmovie

Speaker Instructions: The Speakers are hooked to the poles , Please drive up closely so your front door is even with the speaker. Roll down your window. Unhook the Speaker from the Pole and hook it on your car window or door. *Please report any broken speaker to the Refreshment Stand.*

Now Playing: 2 classic Sci-Fi films, "Tobor the Great" and "Beginning of the End" with Retro Short "Robot Rumpus" (1956)

Robot Rumpus (1956) NOT RATED - With Art Clokey (voice) , Bobby Nicholson
Gumby gets some robots to do his chores, but as expected, things soon go haywire.

Tobor the Great (1954) - Directed by Lee Sholem, with Charles Drake, Karin Booth, Billy Chapin.
A young boy-genius befriends his grandfather's robot, designed as a test pilot for space travel and coveted by foreign spies.

Beginning of the End (1957) - Directed by Bert I. Gordon, with Peter Graves, Peggie Castle, Morris Ankrum.
Audrey Ames, an enterprising journalist, tries to get the scoop on giant grasshoppers accidentally created at the Illinois State experimental farm. She endeavors to save Chicago, despite a military cover-up.

Drive-In Intro
Tobor the Great trailer
Beginning of the End trailer
Retro Short - "Robot Rumpus"
Tobor the Great
Beginning of the End
Good Night and Drive Safely

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📀📺📼 ** Want to Own these films? ** 📀📺📼
"Tobor the Great"
"Beginning of the End"


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