Genetic COPD, Gardening & Beyond Breakfast

Описание к видео Genetic COPD, Gardening & Beyond Breakfast

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD), also called alpha-1 or genetic COPD, is an inherited condition that runs in families and primarily affects the lungs and liver. Alpha-1 symptoms are the same as traditional COPD symptoms, and as a result alpha-1 can go undetected for years. It is important to learn your risk for alpha-1 and screening is the first step.

It’s affectionally known as Bacon City, USA. The town of Vernon, Texas, with its 100-year-plus history of this much-loved staple — bacon – is delighting tastebuds nationwide. The charming town is not only its best ambassador but also where Wright Brand® thick-cut bacon is made.

Empower your family with the joy and independence of growing your own food and flowers — anytime, anywhere. With Hydrofarm’s easy-to-use, cost-effective greenhouse kits and organic nutrients, you’re no longer at the mercy of unpredictable weather or fluctuating produce prices.

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