T-Gauge: Finkenstein

Описание к видео T-Gauge: Finkenstein

Finkenstein, eine kleine, feine Kofferanlage 35x20x10cm im Maßstab 1:480 (QTT), 3mm Spur (T-Gauge). Mit Flexgleisen und kleinsten Radien von nur 7,5cm.
Und mit integriertem Car-System von IDL-Motors, www.teenytrains.com
... leider fährt die Dampflokomotive BR 70 schlecht auf diesen Gleisen! )-:

Finkenstein, a small, fine layout in a suitcase 35x20x10cm at a scale of 1:480 (QTT), 3mm track (T-Gauge). With flex tracks and a smallest radius of only 7,5cm.
And with integrated Car System from IDL-Motors, www.teenytrains.com
... unfortunately, the steam locomotive Class 70 runs poorly on these tracks! )-:

Hinweis: Ich kann hier keine Kommentare mehr posten! Ich habe keine Ahnung, warum?!
Note: I can not post comments more! I have no idea why?!

My reply to the comment of exveefan on this path:

Thank you!
Visit my homepage www.uwefenk.de/QTT.htm !
On the picture of the TmII/SBB you can see how I have made the drive for the passenger coach. I have planed it already for a freight car in 8/2010. It's very easy to do it but it works very good! With a 4mm motor in diameter and a worm direct to the gear of the wheel!


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