A Loud Heart (Guante & Claire de Lune): The Illusion of Movement

Описание к видео A Loud Heart (Guante & Claire de Lune): The Illusion of Movement

Released 2011. Get the full project at http://www.aloudheart.bandcamp.com

Guante: @elguante | Claire: @clairempls, @tinydeaths
Directed by PCP: @pcpmeltsfaces

This song will be included on the "Best Love is Free" vinyl release 2/15/14: http://tblif.polkadotmayhem.com/vinyl...

A LOUD HEART is a unique collaboration that transcends the simple combination of rap bars and acoustic guitar. It's folky in its focus on the problems of real people and the power that music has to bring communities together, and also very much hip hop in its directness, sense of humor and attitude. The overarching theme is perspective—from taking a second look at what we consider to be worthwhile in music, to exploring the construction of masculinity and privilege, to a heartbreaking portrait of a mother willing to do anything to protect her son, the subject matter on this EP is anything but ordinary. Unapologetically political, sincere and honest, "A Loud Heart" is equal parts love songs and protest songs, though Guante & Claire might tell you that in the end, they're the same thing.


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