歌曲解析【周深 Zhou Shen 天堂岛之歌 The Song of Paradise Island】[ENG SUB]

Описание к видео 歌曲解析【周深 Zhou Shen 天堂岛之歌 The Song of Paradise Island】[ENG SUB]

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叮咚 我有一个秘密
Ding Dong, I have a secret.
悄悄告诉你 欢迎你来到天堂入口
Tell you on the quiet, welcome to the entrance of Heaven.
叮咚 有人在按门铃
Ding Dong, someone is ringing the doorbell.
是谁在外面 把恶作剧当一种游戏
Who is out there, treats a prank as a game?
听啊 谁在哭泣
Listen, who is weeping?
看啊 谁在窃窃私语
Look, who is whispering?
窗外有双眼睛 它在时刻注视着你
There is a pair of eyes outside the window, it is watching you all the time.
叮咚 我在这里等你
Ding Dong, I’m waiting for you here.
你在等我吗 是什么原因让你害怕
Are you waiting for me, what makes you scared?
叮咚 你会藏在哪里
Ding Dong, where will you hide?
别想要逃离 想逃出手心已来不及
Don’t want to escape, it’s too late to escape from my palm.
被遗忘的记忆 被你藏起来的秘密
Forgotten memories, secrets hidden by you.
不要大声呼吸 你已暴露了你自己
Don’t breathe loudly, you have exposed yourself.

knock knock外面下起了雨
Knock, knock, it’s raining outside.
Give up struggling!
You will be exposed if you lie too much.
knock knock 是谁在做坏事
Knock, knock, who is doing bad things?
假装成幸运 我总会找到你在床底
Pretend to be lucky, I will always find you under the bed.
听啊 你在恐惧
Listen, you are scared.
看啊 你在歇斯底里
Look, you are hysteria.
窗外有双眼睛 它在时刻注视着你
There is a pair of eyes outside the window, it is watching you all the time.
叮咚 有人在看你的过去
Ding Dong, someone is watching your past.
叮咚 有人在看你的秘密
Ding Dong, someone is watching your secret.
叮咚 有人在看你的过去
Ding Dong, someone is watching your past.
叮咚 我逃不出去
Ding Dong, I can’t escape.

#周深 #天堂岛之歌 #明星大侦探 #周果子 #ZhouShen #Who'sthemurderer


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