Relationship Networking on Alignable

Описание к видео Relationship Networking on Alignable

Learn simple, fun ways to use Relationship Networking to build your ideal network of potential customers and referral partners + Sue's best secrets, tips, and tricks on how to grow your Network and grow your Business on Alignable!

Sue Brooke is a Professional Speaker, Author, Business and Marketing Strategist, Relationship Marketing and Networking Expert. She has been a long time member on Alignable, and joined the Alignable team in 2020. Sue moved to a new community after meeting a sister through Ancestry DNA! She is going to share with you how she built a tribe of Raving Fans in just a few short months, how she gets new business and referrals consistently, and how she built her businesses purely by building relationships....AND how she used Alignable to make it all happen fast!


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