Galaga [Rank "A" - Kill-Screen] - Arcade (Home) - 3,645,590

Описание к видео Galaga [Rank "A" - Kill-Screen] - Arcade (Home) - 3,645,590

I wasn't satisfied until I pushed my previous record even higher. I thought for sure I was going to break 3.7M. I missed 13 challenging stages which amounts to an average of 10k per stage that I missed for not getting a perfect. This score is going to go much higher, but for now, I'll take it!

I also managed to get the 2nd highest score on the "Micro-31" track which is basically the highest score you can get by the end of the 1st rack of challenging stages (i.e. challenging stage #8). I know where I missed some points that would have added to my score so I know this one can be improved.


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