Panel | We Hear You Cloud and Clear

Описание к видео Panel | We Hear You Cloud and Clear

Many organizations who were not already leveraging cloud service provider solutions found themselves rushing to these capabilities in 2020 during the pandemic and there have been no signs of this cloud pursuit trend slowing down. In a similar way the ICS community finds itself looking to cloud enabled solutions to house process sensitive data sets, running non-real time applications in the cloud, and in some unique cases pursuing control capabilities from the cloud. With questions on safety, reliability, ownership, and vendor adoption; ICS professionals are struggling with the technical challenges as well as the compliance and regulatory challenges facing implementation of these solutions. This panel will provide perspectives from professionals facing these challenges on a daily basis from regulatory enforcement, practitioners, and cloud service providers.

SANS ICS Security Houston 2023
Panel | We Hear You Cloud and Clear

Tim Conway, (Moderator) Senior Instructor, SANS Institute
Kenath Carver, Director, Compliance Assessments, Texas Reliability Entity, Inc.
Steven Holtzclaw, Senior Vice President, Shared Services, Enchanted Rock
Kristine Martz, Industry Specialist, Energy & Utilities, Amazon Web Services

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