Apply For Scientist | Scientist Vacancy 2019 | Dr.Satyendra Tripathi | smartexampreparation

Описание к видео Apply For Scientist | Scientist Vacancy 2019 | Dr.Satyendra Tripathi | smartexampreparation

#scientistvacancy #drsatyendratripathi #smartexampreparation

Hello Friends,

Welcome you all on our YouTube channel smart exam preparation smartexampreparation. I am Dr. Satyendra Tripathi (MSc., MPhil, UGC NET, ICAR NET and Phd), Assistant Professor.

About the video:

This video may be very useful and informative for all the aspirants they wish to do research and want to be a scientist. This video is about Scientist vacancy 2019 / direct recruitment / scientist jobs / scientist vacancy in India / scientist job in India / scientist recruitment / research job. For more details about this vacancy go through the below link

About the channel:

This channel smart exam preparation smartexampreparation provide information related to different competitive exams like nta ugc net, nta net, icar net, csir net, set exam, slet exam, mphil admission, phd admission etc. It also provide information related to different vacancies such as assistant professor vacancy, associate professor vacancy, professor vacancy, scientist vacancy, researchers and other vacancies also. It also provide guidance for preparation of different exams like NET ugc, icar and csir competitive exams as well as for academic exams also. You can get lectures related to environment / environmental science / environmental studies which may be useful for various competitive exams like psc, upsc, uppsc, other states psc, tet, ctet, uptet, other states tet, net and all the competitive exams where environmental science questions asked.

Thank you so much for watching this video.
Dr. Satyendra Tripathi, Assistant Professor.


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