Edinburgh Decolonizing Global Health Online Conference 2020

Описание к видео Edinburgh Decolonizing Global Health Online Conference 2020

We are a group of students & researchers at the University of Edinburgh joining the growing global health decolonization movement. On Friday 24 April 2020, we hosted Edinburgh Decolonizing Global Health 2020, an online conference that aimed to raise awareness of this issue and to help us think about practical solutions for global health communities. We heard from Prof. Madhu Pai (McGill University), Prof. Yap Boum (Epicenter Africa, Médecins sans Frontières (MSF)), Dr Furaha Asani (Leicester University), Dr Ngozi Erondu (Chatham House) and the Duke Decolonize Global Health student group (Duke University).

Speaker Order and Timemarks:
12:25 - Prof. Madhu Pai - Global Health Needs To Be Global, Diverse & Equitable
53:45 - Duke Decolonize Global Health student group - A Student-Led Working Group Perspective and Reflection on Decolonizing Global Health
1:21:20 - Prof Yap Boum - Decolonizing Global Health - A Just Cause for African Researchers
1:39:00 - Dr Furaha Asani - Reframing the Colonial Narrative of Global Health: COVID-19 as a Case Study (plus, an important initial reflection about our experience with racist trolling on Zoom)
2:10:50 - Dr Ngozi Erondu - Beyond Tokenism: How do we stop Global Health Institutions from Perpetuating Global Health Inequities?

The presentation content available in the recorded video is the property of the Edinburgh Decolonizing Global Health team and the presenters: Prof. Madhu Pai (McGill University), Prof. Yap Boum (Epicenter Africa, Médecins sans Frontières (MSF)), Dr Furaha Asani (Leicester University), Dr Ngozi Erondu (Chatham House) and the Duke Decolonize Global Health student group (Duke University).

If you'd like to get in contact with our team, email us at [email protected].
Let's keep the conversation going! Comment your questions and thoughts below or mention us on Twitter @EdinburghDecol1 and use the hashtag #decolonizingGHEdinburgh


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