Гордимся лучшим в мире качеством! 5 лучших японских мастеров. 2-часовой спецвыпуск

Описание к видео Гордимся лучшим в мире качеством! 5 лучших японских мастеров. 2-часовой спецвыпуск

Boasting the World's Best Quality! Japan's Top 5 Craftsmanship 2-Hour Special

00:00 - Process of building a ship. Incredible scale! Japan's largest pleasure boat manufacturing facility.
23:57 - The process of making a Sumitsubo. Japan's last carpenter tool master.
44:40 - The process of making violin bows. Japanese craftsmen create violin bows using horse tail hair.
1:08:03 - The process of making a giant grapple! Japan's huge industrial machinery production factory.
1:24:58 - How to make a traditional wooden box. A Japanese craftsman bends wood with his secret craftsmanship.

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