S4 Ep 4: Trauma Reenactments

Описание к видео S4 Ep 4: Trauma Reenactments

Episode Description
In Trauma Reenactments, we discuss what trauma reenactments are, why they happen, and practices to help us identify, stop, and prevent them from happening again. Trauma reenactments are patterns we repeat again and again similar to traumas in the past. They can be pervasive and difficult to notice, because we may believe they are "just the way things are." But they're not. While these patterns are not our fault, if we are able to identify these reenactments, be honest about what they are and where they come from, and create more space between a trigger and a reaction, we are able to gain power over the moment when a trauma reenactment starts to occur, or to stop one that is already occurring. By changing our reaction, we create a new habit, which allows us to heal our trauma reenactments and create space for positive and healthy habits, responses, and relationships in our lives.

Breakdown of Episode
1:17 Intro
4:21 Intro to Trauma Reenactments
6:49 What Are Trauma Reenactments and Why Do They Occur?
11:14 Why Do Trauma Reenactments Occur?
20:56 Reenactments in Close Relationships
25:52 What Are Ways to Heal, Prevent, and Overcome Reenactments?
40:53 Practices to Help You Heal Trauma Reenactments

Mentioned in Podcast
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der Kolk (book mentioned in podcast)
Attachment Styles (video mentioned in podcast)
Learned Helplessness (episode mentioned in podcast)

"A Helpful Way to Conceptualize and Understand Re-enactments" by Michael Levy, PhD, in National Library of Medicine scholarly article on types of reenactments, reason for re-enactments, and ways to understand and treat trauma reenactments.
What is Repetition Compulsion? By Kendra Cherry, MSEd in Very Well Mind is an overview of repetition compulsion, basically the same thing as trauma reenactment.
Trauma Reenactments in Our Intimate Relationships by Annie Tanasugarn PhD, CCTSA in Psychology Today is how we reenact traumas in and through our close relationships. These don't just have to be romantic. They can be family, friends, and other people, including church situations or even if our relationship with God has been hurt or distorted by harmful or neglectful relationships.
Definition of Trauma Reenactment in ComplexTrauma.org
The Trauma Triangle: How Fostering Awareness of Reenactments Builds Resilience in by Shenandoah Shefelo in Paces Connection is more on how to overcome and heal reenactments since this podcast isn't just about the problem, but more importantly about the solution.

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