Crack CAT 2024 Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) | Tips & Strategies | Thinkplus CAT

Описание к видео Crack CAT 2024 Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) | Tips & Strategies | Thinkplus CAT

In this video, we dive deep into the Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) section of CAT 2024, providing you with a detailed roadmap to ace this section 🚀. We analyze real student scorecards from CAT 2023, break down the scaled score vs percentile 📈 from both CAT 2023 and 2022, and examine the topic-wise weightage over the years 📚.

Here's what you'll learn :

Score vs Percentile: Understanding the scoring patterns from previous years and how to plan your approach 📝.

Topic Analysis: We review the topics with higher weightage and discuss the chances of certain question types being repeated 🔄.

DI Set Selection Tips: Learn how to effectively choose the right DI/LR sets based on your strengths 💡 to maximize your score 💯.

Strategy Breakdown: Insights into solving different types of DI/LR sets and finalizing your game plan 🧠.

This video is packed with proven strategies, tips, and expert analysis to help you tackle DILR confidently in CAT 2024! 💪 Don’t forget to subscribe for more CAT preparation content and updates! 🔔

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