
Описание к видео 【4k】探秘上海巴比伦空中花园---天安千树,一座震撼、造型独特的建筑!曾被评为中国2022十大丑陋建筑第一名,有1000根柱子,400级台阶,曾被吐槽“墓地风”,英国设计师设计

Ocean Crystal Tian An Thousand Trees is a mountain shaped shopping mall on the banks of the Suzhou River in Shanghai, China, designed by British architect Thomas Hewswick, inspired by the Yellow Mountain in China and the Hanging Gardens of ancient Babylon. Cheonan Cheonshu has a mountain tree-like terrace formed by 400 steps and 1,000 structural columns, which are planted with more than 1,000 plants throughout the year! It is sometimes described as being like an abandoned tomb


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