Yes. I have been reading it for a while. The story is all over the internet. All you could publish were the four photographs taken in the late 1990s during our audit. I have been waiting for over ten years now in the hope that you will come up with some videos too. I had also hoped that the deaths of innocent people especially my two colleagues will have vindicated in some way first before I begin to hear your agents harping on your success in trying to extend the lives of your own beef-eating citizens by feeding them this sacred water surreptitiously.
My job was to build defences in your computers. To guard your “data-entry and processing centres”. I am not an auditor. I don’t know who from your cursed MKNaomi or MKUltra was behind roping me in for your stupid audits. I thought those outfits were closed for good. But for the pay and perks I wish I had never fallen for that task.
You unscrupulous atheists have no idea with what reverence an Indian would hold a relic like “ST Circus Mustang no.0183”. I have scrutinized all the surviving MKUltra data related to that water too. Every single report on periodicity, volume, potency etc. What was all that bull-shit about ionizing in a copper vessel with the use of electricity? Did our ancestors in the Dwapara Yuga use electricity? You idiots nearly destroyed that priceless idol! And what did you expect to achieve by carrying that water on your space missions?
Above all, I know for a fact that the data gathered by the Watering Team was made available to Prof. Don Wiley by retired employees of the MKUltra Project from the “outside”. I asked you this before and I am asking you now again after all these years- Why was I not notified? Was that data also not an “audit item” from within the database that I was engaged to protect? Despite your denial, I knew that fact on the very day when “limited access” was grudgingly allowed to Don Wiley. What you didn’t expect would happen and what you especially didn’t approve of was his probe into the medical examination records of some of the Watering Team’s targets. His discovery of these very confidential and personal reports, especially the classified “Immune Repertoire Files” of individuals having this unusual “repertoire of 10,00,000 sub-types” really pissed you off, didn’t it? So what if it was funded by the Department of Defence? Don was only interested in the immunological significance of the KV water. What danger was he to national defence? He was a good and upright citizen of your country. But in the end even poor Don had to go! Do you think either I or my late colleague Bob really believe he just jumped off the Hernando de Soto?
Both Bob and I knew our time was running out when we heard Don had disappeared. Disappeared? You weren’t fooling us or the public with that suicide story.
That fateful Monday in November when Benny was done in at Miami, Don knew you were behind all this, you murderous coward! Was Benny another “limited access” hazard? Poor Clara, I wonder how she got into this mess too. Now let your legal system also stew in the very draconian regimen you pursue in the name of intelligence and national defence! In some ironic way your citizens deserve this. That day I made my decision to get out of your cursed country.
By Thursday night or Friday, as expected, Don was done in at the Mississippi River. That weekend I had no choice but to go underground with ST 0183. How many more innocent lives have you done in, Mr Tenet? You can gag the New York Times, but you cannot gag me. Not anymore. Not here in India. Let Doug Naquin seek me out if he can.
“ST Circus Mustang 0183” is a very ancient and sacred idol of Lord Vishnu, not “Shiva” as some of the numbskulls in your department assumed for over 40 years. As an intelligence agency at least get your iconography correct to begin with. What do you Christians want to learn about Siddha, longevity and immortality when you cannot believe or envision humanity older than 5000 years? In the name of this sacred relic enough damage has been done. I have decided to sell “0183” to the highest bidder to recover my hard earned money which you have illegally frozen in your banks without justification. I do not break any law in present day India by selling it to any interested party, as this item I understand was never within the boundaries of present day India for some thousands of years.


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