What You Need to Know About Advance Parole for DACA

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What You Need to Know About Advance Parole for DACA

I'm going to show you everything you need to know about Advance Parole for DACA. This video is broken down into several parts, each with a focus on the most important things you need to know about Advance Parole for DACA.

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What is Advance Parole?
Advance parole for DACA was put in place by the Obama Administration. Under the different presidential administrations, the program has at times been shut down. As of May 23, 2021, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services (USCIS) is currently accepting advance parole applications. Advance parole allows certain individuals to travel outside of the US without fear of being denied reentry.

Additionally, advance parole is a type of parole under immigration law. Some of the common types of parole include, parole in place, humanitarian parole, and advance parole. Although immigration law does not consider any type of parole as a lawful entry, being paroled into the USA is akin to entering with permission. The technical differences isn’t too important for this discussion. Rather, what is important is the advantage parole gives. Much like that of a lawful entry, parole allows you to can use this to become a resident in the United States. As there are numerous other factors that need to be assessed in a person’s case, for most people the legal analysis would not stop here. In order to get advance parole, there are a few things you need to do.

0:00-0:25 What You Need to Know About Advance Parole for DACA
0:26-1:49 What is Advance Parole for DACA?
1:50- 2:33 What Reasons Qualify me for Advance Parole?
2:34-3:21 How Much Does Advance Parole for DACA cost?
3:22-4:56 Can I Get a Green Card with Advance Parole?
4:57-5:37 How Long does the Application Process Take?
5:38-6:07 When Can I Apply for Advance Parole?
6:08-6:57 How Much Time Will I Get?
6:58- What Happens After I'm Approved?


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⚠️DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: La información en este canal de YouTube es solo para fines de información general. Nada en este sitio debe tomarse como asesoramiento legal para ningún caso o situación individual. Consulte a un abogado de inmigración para obtener asesoramiento sobre su propia situación única. Simplemente contactarnos no establece una relación abogado-cliente. Evite enviarnos información confidencial hasta el momento en que se haya creado una relación formal abogado-cliente.

⚠️DISCLAIMER: The information on this YouTube channel is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. Consult an immigration attorney for advice regarding your own unique situation. Simply contacting us does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Please avoid sending confidential information to us until such time as a formal attorney-client relationship has been created.


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