It even Happens to Me...How to fix an AirLock in a Hot Tub... Arizona Hot Tub Factory

Описание к видео It even Happens to Me...How to fix an AirLock in a Hot Tub... Arizona Hot Tub Factory

Airlock are a big problem for all spa owners in it be a new spa or a used spa general maintenance being done to the spa Airlocks just suck the fun out of a spa. In this video I will show you the several things to do before you even turn on the hose that should make all of the problems with Airlocks go away...

+++++Please Note Alway shut off the Breaker before You Do Anything+++++
Wear Safety Glasses and ear Protection
Take Your Time & be prepared

Do you want to purchase something seen in this video? Consider checking out my Amazon Associates page and find all of the gear I use + everything used in this video!

----------//My Gear\\---------
GoPro7 Black...
128 SD Card...
Vivitar VPD-360 Tripod...This Product is very old... Can be found on EBAY

Best Start up Chemical kit...
Get the YUK out...

--------- // Tony Stark Tool Kit \\---------
Milwaukee Tester...
Little Giant Pump...
Hose for Little Giant Pump...

---------------// LEGAL TALK \\ ------------------------
I get some funding via your transactions with purchase links with the following affiliate programs.

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FTC: This video was not paid for by outside persons or manufacturers. No product was supplied to me for this video.

As always Thanks for Watchings & SUBSCRIBING.

As always Thanks for Watching &SUBSCRIBING


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