Podcasting 101: Using Descript for Podcast Production

Описание к видео Podcasting 101: Using Descript for Podcast Production

Hello, podcasters! In this session, learn from Descript experts Harmony and Arielle about how to make a podcast on Descript -- from scratch.

You'll leave this session knowing how to:

​- Record into Descript
​- Set up a SquadCast session
- Bring files into Descript and transcribe them
- Make edits to your transcript and files
- Add music, SFX, and other media to your projects
- Use basic AI features to make your editing process quicker and easier
- Collaborate with others on your podcast
- Create clips for social media
- Export projects

​Learn along with us - have Descript open and ready to go while you watch us demo so you can go through the workflow in real-time. This event is an hour long and recorded - we'll send the replay out in a follow-up email after the event. See you soon!


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