Germany Today - The Big Picture

Описание к видео Germany Today - The Big Picture

National Archives and Records Administration

ARC Identifier 2569714 / Local Identifier 111-TV-455

Big Picture: Germany Today

"Germany Today" to be shown on Army TV series -- This is the story of a people desolate in defeat, who found the way back with the help of the military force that defeated them. This is the story of the role played by the United States Army in the rebirth of West Germany. "Germany Today," as seen through the eyes of "THE BIG PICTURE" camera, is an outstanding documentary of a vast reconstruction job. A cycle has come full turn. The Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces which helped defeat Germany is hailed now by free Germans as friend and protector. No other force in military history has done so much to put a conquered nation back on its feet as the United States Army. Because the U.S. Army has been a bulwark, West Germany remains democratic -- a front line for this nation's security. As the film concludes, the narrator says, "We do not know what future dangers may arise in Germany, but the United States Army is on guard and will be ready. The ringing of West Germany's Freedom Bell echoes in all free lands. It calls for eternal vigilance. It calls for readiness to defend freedom with all the power at our command."


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