When we create a new product or a series of new products, everything we do is represented in every little detail. The materials we choose, the final design, the colours that we capture. We think about everything, that is why talking about our new products is always an emotional process.

Classic Furnishers has grown and evolved convinced that our philosophy, attention to detail, excellence and good design, is the fundamental guide to continue being who we are now and in the future.

At the core of CF is wood, there is no other material as unique, warm and noble. Woodworking is a philosophy unto itself, it is a way of relating to the world.  Over time we have sought to maintain these qualities in all of our designs, regardless of the materials and technology employed.  Wood, in our work, is synonymous with the woodworker, we have retained the same expert hands that have learned their craft over years of experience.  

To explain what are we and how we carry ourselves, we continue to believe in the principles and values that have brought us to where we are today… 

A philosophy of life

Over more than 45 years we have evolved in tune with the times, offering the practical solutions and aesthetic that people around the world demand. We have achieved this thanks to a flexible but consistent philosophy. Flexible with regard to the needs of users in that we are constantly seeking to improve our work, and consistent to our values and respecting the tradition of the craftsmanship in equilibrium with the latest technology.  Maintaining quality in the details is the ultimate goal.

Year after year, we have become globalized without losing our local spirit. We are currently present in the most demanding markets in the world and we have a permanent presence in North America, Europe, Eastern Europe and Asia. Our name, Andreu World, is a statement, expressing our philosophy and our international vocation.

The value of time

We are a family business and therefore we maintain a very special relationship with time.  We are aware of the tradition we have built and thanks to that tradition we have a unique perspective of our work. So we think in the long term and are faithful to the idea that to build the future we need to keep the past alive.

Family and tradition are concepts that remain alive in day to day operations through personal relationships with all workers who, in many cases, have been part of our family generation after generation.  

The search for excellence

Each design examines all of its possibilities, constantly pushing us to improve comfort, finish and function. It is this active process with each of our products that allows for the intelligent use of our resources.

We depend on our resources to inform our entire working method, from obtaining the raw materials all the way through to finishing. Through a continuous investment in advanced technology and infrastructure, as well as in the training of our team, we maintain and improve our processes. This in the only way we can only maintain our passion for well-made products.

The expression of the search

We like working with designers.  It’s a way to communicate our values through the unique perspective of each collaborator. If one thing defines our evolution, it’s our commitment to design. This commitment has translated to numerous national and international awards including the 2007 National Design Prize, the most prestigious honor is Spain for design centric companies.

Additionally, for the past 15 years we have held an annual international design competition geared towards young designers. It’s our way of investing in the talent that will build the future.

The pleasure of the al fresco life

A few years ago we started to develop a new line of products in an area that we have not yet explored: exterior pieces and that is how Outdoor was born.

We belong to a culture lighted by the Mediterranean sun and are connected to the sea and nature.  It is because of this that we feel that we could offer our interpretation of the pleasure of the al fresco life.  Outdoor includes distinct collections of seating, tables and sofas especially designed for exterior use in residential or contract applications.  These pieces are constructed from new materials and treatments that are weather resistant.
One with nature
It is impossible to evolve without accepting a commitment to the environment. We not only try to optimize resources, we seek to reduce our environmental footprint in all aspects of the production process. We use wood from managed forests and reforested in accordance to the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council) certification, we have implemented strict policies for energy efficiency, waste recycling and research into new more sustainable materials.
The sea, which plays a fundamental role in our culture and tradition, is the best example of that macrostructure that demands our attention and commitment.


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