Helminths: Cestodes and Trematodes (transmission, clinical importance, and treatment)

Описание к видео Helminths: Cestodes and Trematodes (transmission, clinical importance, and treatment)

Since "the early bird gets the worm", with ATP we will always make sure you're an early bird. So, we brought you the worms ;)
In today's video there are enough worms for everyone! We will talk about platyhelminths. We will focus on important cestodes and trematodes that are commonly tested in exams. We hope you get the most out of it!

0:20 - Parasites classification
0:33 - Helminths classification
1:17 - Platyhelminths classification
1:48 - Taenia solium
2:44 - Taenia saginata
3:18 - Diphyllobothrium latum
3:50 - Echinococcus granulosus
4:37 - Schistosoma
6:01 - Clonorchis sinensis
6:58 - Let us know!

- Arabic Subtitles: Bushra Hafez
- Illustrations: Anas Idris
- Script: Mohamad S. Alabdaljabar
- Video Editing: Anas Idris & Mohamad S. Alabdaljabar
- Voice Over: Abdullah Tajeddin


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