सांधेदुखी आणि सर्दी-खोकल्यावर घरगुती उपाय | आलेपाक - Ale Paak | आलेपाक वड्या | Aale Paak By Archana

Описание к видео सांधेदुखी आणि सर्दी-खोकल्यावर घरगुती उपाय | आलेपाक - Ale Paak | आलेपाक वड्या | Aale Paak By Archana

आल्याची वडी | आले पाक वाडी | आलेपाक कसा बनवायचा | Ale Paak Recipe | How To Make Aale Pak | Aale Paak Recipe In Marathi | Ginger Candy | सर्दी साठी उपाय | Homemade Remedy For Cough And Cold | Ruchkar Mejwani

आज अर्चना ताई आपल्यासाठी घेऊन आल्या आहेत खास 'आलेपाक' रेसिपी.

आलेपाक - Ale Paak or Ginger Candy is a very beneficial home remedy especially during the winter season, for cough and cold. This recipe is healthy, easy to make and requires few ingredients. You can carry Aale Paak Vadya with you while travelling even.

(Serves 6)
1 cup Ginger Paste
1 cup Milk

1. Heat a wok, add ginger paste and sugar. Keep on mixing these ingredients together till they melt and blend together.
2. Once the sugar melts, add milk and keep stirring till it gets thick.
3. When it becomes thick in texture, turn off the flame. Pour this in a greased tray.
4. Spread the ale paak on the tray and keep it aside to cool down for at least 3-4 hours.
5. Once it is cooled down, cut it into small pieces.
Your Ale Paak is ready to be served!

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Host: Archana Arte
Copyrights: REPL

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