Learning Enduro | Husqvarna FE250 vs TE250 Which Is Better?

Описание к видео Learning Enduro | Husqvarna FE250 vs TE250 Which Is Better?

After our enduro school training its was time to get some bikes on some local lanes and see what this enduro malarkey was all about.
The bikes of choice are the Husqvarna FE250 and the TE250i one being a four stoke the other the new fancy oil / fuel injected two stroke. Which one is easier for the beginner?

https://www.bywaymap.com/ is fantastic to see local lanes in your area

Intercoms - Cardo PackTALK BOLD - https://amzn.to/2RSrbjr

Phone mount from Ultimate Addons:

Intercoms used in this are the Cardo Packtalk BOLD Cardo PackTALK BOLD - https://amzn.to/2RSrbjr

NEW PATREON ACCOUNT NOW OPEN - Early video access, behind the scene videos and blogs -
  / lambchoprides  
LCR Stickers are back!

Team LCR clothing now also available:
Filming Equipment used:

Camera Primary - GoPro Hero 4 Silver - http://amzn.to/2rlaBec
Secondary's - GoPro Hero 4 & 7 Black - http://amzn.to/2rhoU1m
Intercoms - Cardo PackTALK BOLD - https://amzn.to/2RSrbjr
Drone - DJi Mavic - http://amzn.to/2rlwhqv
Data Logger - SpeedAngle www.rg-racing.com
Helmet microphones - Sony ECM-PC60 - http://amzn.to/2qx7K2t
Bike upgrades - Supermoto:

Wheels by SMPro Wheels - https://www.smprowheels.co.uk
Brakes by Moto Master - https://www.moto-master.com
Tyres by Avon - http://www.avon-tyres.co.uk
Bling - https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/Mud-Pig-Ra...

Bike upgrades - GSXR:

Ti Exhaust - https://brocksperformance.com/predato...
Chain / Sprockets Kit - https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/moto...
Levers - UK Race Support - https://www.ukracesupport.com/
Rearset - Gilles https://www.performanceparts-ltd.com/...
Cruise Control - https://www.mccruise.com/
Suspension - http://nitron.co.uk/
Hugger - https://www.pyramid-plastics.co.uk/
Engine Protection - https://www.gbracing.eu/
Titanium Race Bolts - https://www.racefasteners.co.uk/
Titanium bobins / axle nuts - https://racetorx.co.uk/

Riding Gear In This Video

Vest - http://amzn.to/2FQSwsW

Off-road Boot - TCX Comp EVO http://www.nevis.uk.com/products/tcx/...

Off-road Helmet - AGV AX-8 DUAL EVO https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/moto...

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Instagram - lamb_chop_rides

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