Access daily occurrence book: Fine Grain Permissions Feature Demo

Описание к видео Access daily occurrence book: Fine Grain Permissions Feature Demo

Access daily occurrence book: transcript excerpt.
one final thing to mention about this

feature is that it might be you want

a user to only

be able to access

the dob
not any of these features
but also
not be able to view these graphs
so you should probably be familiar
already with the concept of roles
so a role is something we're assigned to
certain users
and here we can make it clear that for
the user with a role
can only
for example with dob
the other thing to note though is we can
stop people from viewing the home page
so if i created a role
with home page graphs not assigned to it
that would mean
that for example if i gave that power to Eve, Eve would log in
and she wouldn't see
any of these home page graphs because
I've allocated to eve the role which
allows her to access the dob
but she can't access anything else and
she can't view this particular screen
with all of these graphs on there
so that allows us to have a dob set up
only for certain users and all they can
view is the dob feature and certain dobs
within that feature
nothing else
hopefully that explains
sweetly enough what fine grain
permissions is
fine grain permissions is a technical
term used in the world of information technology
to be able
to limit
the access that certain users have to
certain features and in this case we
limit what users can access
what dob
any questions do let me know
thanks for tuning in


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