Youth GPT - Gateway To Powered Thinking | 10th North Zone Chyk Camp 2024 | Camp Video

Описание к видео Youth GPT - Gateway To Powered Thinking | 10th North Zone Chyk Camp 2024 | Camp Video

From ChatGPT to YouthGPT we all evolved, learned, excelled and grew during this camp.

A quick glance at all the highlights of 10th North Zone Camp at Sidhabari June’24 ✨

CHYK Noida organized the 10th North Zone CHYK camp titled - "Youth GPT: Gateway to Powered Thinking," at Chinmaya Tapovan Sidhbari from June 3rd to 8th, 2024. 230+ delegates participated in this camp from 8 North Zone Centres which included – Noida, Ghaziabad, Jaipur, Chas, Prayagraj, Amritsar, Unchahar, Rewa along with a few delegates from Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Palakkad and Ernakulam as well. Swami Chidrupanandaji, Swami Raghavanandaji, Swami Deveshanandaji, Br. Raghavendra Chaitanyaji, Brni. Kalindi Chaitanyaji and Anand Bhaiya were the acharyas for this camp.

Throughout the camp the campers took part in various activities, games, picnics and cultural events.

Each participant and volunteer left the camp activity-packed days inspiring live examples of time management, Insightful learnings as well as the beautiful sights and new relationships. This is a camp that no one would forget for a long time.


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