Corona 8 Live Webinar

Описание к видео Corona 8 Live Webinar

This is a recording of our live webinar for Chaos Corona 8 that took place on April 28th 2022. In it, we go over the major new features in Corona 8 for both Cinema 4D and 3ds Max, plus there are two Q&A sessions where we answer the questions asked by the attendees.

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To jump to a specific topic, you can use the timestamps below:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:02:53 - Big Workflow Focused Release
00:03:32 - Chaos Cosmos
00:14:21 - Chaos Scatter
00:39:44 - Corona Decals
00:56:41 - Improved Tone Mapping
01:10:51 - First Q&A Session
01:28:26 - Corona Slicer
01:35:52 - Corona Curvature map/shader
01:39:21 - Cryptomatte Support
01:41:14 - Caustics Include/Exclude
01:43:50 - Adjustable PBR reflection tail
01:44:53 - Layered Displacement
01:45:21 - Tyflow Support
01:45:31 - Second Q&A Session
01:50:02 - Thank you and farewell!


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