DAVID BOWIE talks about his mother and wedding music for Iman, Backstage interview february 25, 1993

Описание к видео DAVID BOWIE talks about his mother and wedding music for Iman, Backstage interview february 25, 1993

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Ecco un miniclip del backstage iniziale prima della mia quarta intervista a DAVID BOWIE, a Londra il 25 febbraio 1993, in occasione della pubblicazione dell’album “Black Tie White Noise” che si apriva con “The wedding”, scritta per il matrimonio con la modella Iman.
Vedendo che si era acceso una sigaretta, in attesa di iniziare l’intervista, gli ho detto che la sigaretta rappresenta un rapporto con la madre. Lui ne rimane colpito al punto che quando parla, chiedendo alla madre di dargli vino invece di latte, guarda la sigaretta. Stupito dice, riferendosi a me: “C’è un altro Freud nella stanza”. In questo clip c’è anche la mia prima domanda.
Here is a miniclip of the initial backstage before my fourth interview with DAVID BOWIE, in London on February 25, 1993, on the occasion of the release of the album "Black Tie White Noise" which opened with "The wedding", written for the wedding with the model Iman.
Seeing that he had lit a cigarette, waiting to start the interview, I told him that the cigarette represents a relationship with the mother. He is so impressed that when he tells: ""I wanted my mother to go wine", he looks at the cigarette. Amazed, he says, referring to me: "There is another Freud in the room". In this clip there is also my first question.


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