Bold and Beautiful 5230 - Full Episode

Описание к видео Bold and Beautiful 5230 - Full Episode

Season: 21
Original Air Date: 1/18/2008

Brooke rushes into Nick’s office with Baby Jack. She tells Nick that she she fears that their son’s life may be in danger because Taylor has been drinking again. Taylor rushes in looking for Jack and yells at Brooke that she had no right to take the baby. Nick defends Brooke’s action which causes Taylor to become furious. Taylor demands that Brooke stay away from Nick and their child. Taylor then vows to get through this crisis somehow; as long as Brooke stays away. Donna explains to Eric how her rendezvous with Jake was a result of her sexual addiction and that Eric deserves better. Eric tells her that he loves her unconditionally and will always forgive her.


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