Pirate101 Skull Island/Monquista Enemy Criticals, Powers & Attack Animations (Pt1)

Описание к видео Pirate101 Skull Island/Monquista Enemy Criticals, Powers & Attack Animations (Pt1)

0:00 Shark Crits
1:42 Troggy Crits
3:18 Dino Crits
5:15 Prawn Crits
7:11 Rat/Mouse Crits
8:14 Dog Crits
9:47 Undead Crits
10:20 Undead Monquistan/Valvida Brothers
13:00 Water Mole Crits
14:43 Monquistan Crits
19:36 Animal Crits
23:38 Other Criticals

Complied on 6/27/24
Alright here`s something that I was cooking up in the background, since there`s no existing videos showcasing it I decided I`d be the one to record the different enemy criticals. This was mainly done on my level 15 witchdoctor character that I made when I was playing on that class.

I wasn`t sure why I decided to combine both the Skull Island and Monquista clips into one but whatever. I am slowly planning on giving the same treatment for the other enemies and bosses in the higher worlds, it's far from being complete but I do have a good amount of clips in my folders.

#pirate101criticalhits #pirate101


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