eBPF Strengthens SR-IOV to Be Powerful - Weizhou Lan & Zhiying Fang, Daocloud

Описание к видео eBPF Strengthens SR-IOV to Be Powerful - Weizhou Lan & Zhiying Fang, Daocloud

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eBPF Strengthens SR-IOV to Be Powerful - Weizhou Lan & Zhiying Fang, Daocloud

The growth popularity of AI workloads on Kubernetes has driven the demand for high-performance networking solutions. Virtual networking interfaces like SR-IOV, macvlan, and ipvlan stand out to bring RDMA capability to Pods, while they are unable to resolve clusterIP owing to data path reason. This limitation has forced many users to adopt dual CNIs. Mature eBPF implementations are already employed in popular CNI projects like Cilium and Calico, successfully replacing kube-proxy. By leveraging eBPF within a single CNI, we can enable clusterIP resolution for SR-IOV, macvlan interfaces. This session will delve into the technical details of implementing eBPF for clusterIP resolution with SR-IOV interfaces, and prove high forwarding performance compared with projects such as calico and cilium. While combining eBPF with SR-IOV is not yet a mainstream practice, its potential for performance optimization and simplified network management is significant.


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