Webinar | A Public Health Approach to Sex Work

Описание к видео Webinar | A Public Health Approach to Sex Work

In order for Canada to live up to its commitment in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to guarantee everyone in this country the rights to “life, liberty and security of the person”, institutions and individuals must re-examine longstanding and highly harmful attitudes towards sex work. The systemic stigmatization of sex work and sex workers must be eliminated through enhanced education and training for health and social service providers as well as law enforcement agents in every jurisdiction. Sex workers should be at the centre of planning programs and services that support their health and well-being, and research funding bodies should redress gaps and imbalances in sex work research. This webinar presented CPHA’s new position statement on a public health approach to sex work, review recent research on barriers to health equity for sex workers, and discussed how public health professionals can use these insights in their policy and community practice roles.


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