
Описание к видео 【完整版】【黃金寶術】(热播短剧抢先看)

葉晨父親被陷害打眼買了一件假元青花而傾盡家財,被氣住院需要手術。 葉晨為了湊齊50萬手術費,不得不向女友徐佳人開口借錢,沒想到徐佳人出軌吳帥,嘲笑葉晨現在是窮光蛋還想癩蛤蟆吃天鵝肉。 葉晨怒急攻心暈倒,機緣巧合偶遇神仙打架獲得黃金寶術,開啟鑒寶傳奇人生,其鑒定術之高、撿漏之多一時無人能出其右,成為當之無愧的古龍市無雙鑒寶師。
Ye Chen's father was framed and bought a fake Yuan blue and white and spent all his family wealth, and was hospitalized and needed surgery. In order to make up the 500,000 operation fees, Ye Chen had to borrow money from his girlfriend Xu Jiaren, but he didn't expect Xu Jiaren to cheat on Wu Shuai, laughing at Ye Chen for being a poor egg now and wanting to eat swan meat from a toad. Ye Chen fainted in a hurry, and by chance he met the immortals in a fight to obtain the golden treasure technique, and opened the legendary life of treasure appreciation.

▶欢迎订阅【子夜短剧】: @ziyedj
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